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In my artwork I am interested in synthesizing different media of fine arts such as painting, graphics and mixed media. In this way I’m seeking to find how the properties of the researched phenomena can be best unfolded. Combining established media seen as the stereotypes leads to expressing the entire range of emotional and physical involvement of the artist in his work.


Building up on themes I explored in the past I’m currently engulfed in exploring the "stereotype vs. identity" theme. This is why the corn stone of the concept behind my planned project is the optical description of the ways an object or image is perceived creating a visual dialog when the view angle changes; and the dialog itself can change when the viewer moves within the physical space or changes its way of thinking about the object or image.

The art work that would follow such a concept will delicately challenge the stereotype thinking, stating that a system of cliché is in fact relative and can either be diluted or intensified depending on the viewing angle. The effect will be the one of entropy, whereby constructive interference will make development possible and open new opportunities.

1978  born in Bessarabia, since 2005 I  live and work in Munich, Germany



Diploma (Uni), Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, Germany


Academy of Fine Arts in Munich Prof. Karl Imhof, Prof. Axel Kasseböhmer


Master’s Degree in Visual Arts - The Art and Design University of Cluj Napoca (Klausenburg) Romania


Degree in Visual Arts - The Art and Design University of Cluj Napoca (Klausenburg), Romania

Awards / Exhibition (selection)


Pokalausstellung - Geranienhaus Nymphenburg "K&K Munich"


day of Printmaking- Tag der Druckkunst  Künstlerhaus, Munich


group exhibition  "die erste Narbe" die Färberei, Munich      


Artist in Residence at Cocosul rosuOU-Galery, R. of Moldova, Chisinau      


Grand Prix at the International Biennial of Graphik Arts  R. of Moldova


“Tapetenwechsel“ Lithografie Exhibition Künstlerhaus  Lenbachplatz Munich


„spontan –young Masters“, Gallery Hegemann, Munich
sollo exhibition Gallery Atelier Collage, Saarbrüken

II. European lithography days, Munich, Germany
Graphik Exhibition Gallery Huber, Munich


solo Exhibition „Krümmung“ Gallery Kunstvoll, Munich
The Artist of the Gallery Huber, Munich

Artist in Residence -Franz Masareel  Centrum of Print Arts, Kasterlee, Belgium



the National Award for Literature & Arts Republic of Moldova

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